It’s crazy looking back to think that we started Fling dispatching from our living room 3 years ago with an 18 month and a new born in tow in the middle of a pandemic! (I think we must have been nuts!)
We launched the website and waited patiently for our first cha-ching to come in from our online store and did several happy dances as sales started to trickle in. The excitement of those first sales and reassurance that people wanted to try something you’ve worked so hard to bring to market was amazing. That feeling of excitement and proudness is still very much felt with every order we receive and product launch we do!
In the last 3 years we’ve launched 6 canned cocktails to the market, 3 cocktail mixers, travelled the country serving cocktails to lots of wonderful kiwis and attended lots of parties & weddings to share a Fling or 10!
We want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you who have followed our journey, purchased cocktails from us, hired us for your event, turned up to meet us at shows, connected with us online, shared your photos and videos and supported us throughout the last 3 years. Without your support we wouldn’t be here today doing what we love, so from our family to yours, thank you!
Being a small family business we all wear lots of different hats and our jobs vary from; drink developers, design & marketing to accounts, packing and dispatch and everything in between. We have loved getting to know our regular Fling-ers and seeing familiar names pop up on our packing lists and it’s wonderful to have seen so many new ones come on board this last year.
These last 12 months have seen us release our second advent calendar which sold out AGAIN (after making 5x more than last year), the launch of our new Gin & Tonic, taking Fling on tour to the South Island for the first time and the exciting move into a new warehouse and dispatch space!
We’ve got lots of exciting things coming up in the next year that we can’t wait to share with you all, but for now, grab a Fling and raise a glass with us as we celebrate the huge milestone of turning 3!
Love from
Emma, Ben & Meg,
Emma, Ben & Meg,
Your Fling Team! xxx